Friday, May 1, 2015

Final blog

The September 11 Attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon resulted in a radical change in terms of international politics and the course of events. The sheer courage with which a group of people tried to awaken the sleeping giant of America gave rise to a whole new era of phenomena like Islamophobia, War on Terror, Homeland Security and others. About 3000 people were killed in this act of terror that shook the world but with this incident also gave rise to various counter alternatives and conspiracy theories. The former Director General of ISPR is quoted as saying that he finds it hard to believe that four airplanes are brought into a synchronized hijacking and attack the securest two institutions in of the most secure nations of the world. How it that the air transport authorities is were incompetent to such an extent that they were not able to intercept the coming of these planes for over forty minutes?

These and other examples such as the results of this incident that took over such as the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq for reasons that proved to be wrong later raises speculation as to was it really the work of a militant group or some state agency? The fact that countries like Afghanistan and Iraq had almost nothing to do with it were invaded and destroyed and the nation from which most of those perpetrators belonged to, i.e. Saudi Arabia was made the strongest ally in the Muslim world fails to satisfy the inquiring mind as to the veracity of the media narrative. 


  1. I'm personally not a fan of 9/11 conspiracy theories. However, what is more important to examine is the long-term effects of these attacks. They fundamentally shifted US foreign policy, which has had a tremendous impact on international politics. This shift has dramatically impacted many parts of the world, but I feel as though this will be the last decade that terrorism will play such a major role in defining geopolitical events. With the rise of China, I believe we're heading back to the era of great power politics.

    1. Sir, can we pls discuss 9/11 in class more extensively? It is the defining moment of the last decade. A linchpin moment of sorts that changed world politics.
      We should definitely discuss it. Let's do it please.

    2. Sure. I'll add some readings to the dropbox about it as well. Tentatively, I'm thinking about doing additional stuff on 9/11 come Tuesday, then Green IR theory on Thursday, and then propaganda the following Tuesday. Of course, all of that will be alongside the normally assigned reading and will entirely be optional.
