Monday, April 20, 2015

Session 21: Gendering World Politics

Feminist IR is still often side-lined as a limited issue area and is appearing as one of the last chapters of introductory volumes to the field. In the first chapter of 'Gendering World Politics', Tickener explores the encounter between feminism and international relations. Feminism has undergone a debate between liberal feminism and its challengers while IR has undergone three. It is in the context of the third debate that Tickener understands the meeting of Feminism and IR. Tickener highlights the misunderstanding that exists between the mainstream and feminist approaches. She explores how these debates developed in the post cold war IR.

Women have always been treated as the weak and  helpless ones who need the support of men to survive in our society. They have not been given equal representation in any area like education, politics, jobs etc. Our society does not let them have any legitimate form of power because they lack 'masculinity'. The whole idea of relating masculinity with rationality has oppressed women and taken away their chance for equal representation in every area. We can see that the same has been the case in IR as well. As Tickener described how international politics is a very gender based activity where every theory is such that it revolves around the role of a man, like war for instance. The whole concept of war or anarchy is based on mans role, it is the 'man' who decides everything and takes every decision. And, the role of women in such a situation is that they are being as raped and executed to use them as a weapon to humiliate the enemy. This assault of women during wars has been there since a long time. For example; in the 19th Century, war rape was used as a propaganda by European colonialists in order to justify the colonization of places they had conquered.

This is actually sad, that first we don't give equal rights to women and then, we assault them so brutally and rape n use them as a tool against our enemy. As Tickener said that with the greater role of women in international politics, the chances of war might decrease because war has always been linked with men and the idea of masculinity. This can be true, however I think war can is inevitable, may it be men or women. Wars takes place because of the greed for power or the threat of security, so it wouldn't change anything if women were in the positions men hold right now. But, this doesn't mean that women should not be given those positions. In fact they should get equal rights as men and this discrimination against them needs to stop.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that discrimination against women must stop. Furthermore, violence against women must be rejected and combated. But can women, through adding their voice to debates in IR, advance women's interests? If so, by how much? If not, then why not?
