Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Session 22: War and Peace

 Javk Levy in “War and Peace” provides certain general trends between war and peace. He further goes onto explain the recurrence of war, its causes, and variations between war and peace. The different perspectives to the concept of war lead to the formation of variation in theoretical framework and methodologies to explain war. IR is obsessed with the idea of war and peace and has developed theories in order to explain these phenomena. He provides three perspectives on war and peace: realist school, liberalist school and multi-method approach.

The realist school advocates that the international system is vulnerable to war. The idea that human nature is innately evil, core reason for war and the presence of anarchy-no centralized authority paves path for the origin of war.  Within the realist school, offensive and defensive realists have a different understanding of the causes of war.

The liberalist school advocates the idea of peace being achieved under certain domestic and international conditions along with employing suitable strategies which can eventually mitigate violence. The notion of economic interdependence promoting peace is an interesting facet within the liberal theory of war and peace. The theory stresses upon the economic cooperation between states- common goals may lead to the prevalence of peace. Trade is considered a significant factor in altering the balance of power within the domestic realm where groups would prefer a friendly environment for cooperation and trade instead of war. Similarly, under the liberalist school, a very prominent theory to understand peace is the democratic peace theory which argues that democracies are less prone to war.

Jack Levy, like a lot of other theorists point out the strengths and flaws of both the school of thoughts and like many others have proposed the ‘multimethod’ approach to analyze war and peace incorporating ideas from both realism and liberalism.  The approach may be useful considering that war and peace can’t be understood only from one lens and requires the incorporation of different perspectives.


  1. I find it funny how at the end it always seems like the best way to go is the mid way or multiple route. Given the complexity of our world, it's certainly true as well.

  2. I think IR theorists have run out of ideas so they keep on merging ideas and name it differently to sound creative.

  3. Solid summary and yes taking the multi-theoretical and multi-methodological approach is a worthwhile way to study issues related to War & Peace.
