Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Last Blog:

The first thing I want to say about this course is that the burden of this course was a difficult job to handle. Of course this has been very hectic throughout the semester to write before every class. However, I feel that this was very beneficial for me in the end. This was a much needed skill that I needed to improve on. This gave me ability to critically analyze things before I write and helped in understanding IR more effectively.  I think reading part was fine because this amount of readings is not much, at least for students from social sciences. Lastly this course helped in increasing my general knowledge about International affairs and more importantly it taught how to interpret these affairs.
Now coming towards the theoretical part, the most applicable theory that I found during this course is Realism. The most interesting theory of realism to me is Balance of Power. How the distribution of power play role in international arena is very interesting. Secondly subjectivity of its definition broadens my understanding even more. Apart from that, some portions of other stories were also very fascinating. For example the role of balance of payments and international institutions and how these non-state actors act in the favor of powerful states at times.
The Sessions were very interesting. In LUMS, usually half of the class is sleeping in 8am classes but this class was an exception. And obviously the credit goes to the instructor. I do not know how but sir has been so energetic in class throughout the semester that it was hard for me to divert my mind even when I was sleepy.

Having said that all, I want to confess here that this feels so good to write my last blog of this course.

1 comment:

  1. Mubashir, I appreciate the honesty and I appreciate you trying to stay awake in spite of it being an 8am class. I hope that the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills will help you in life. Good luck!
