Monday, April 20, 2015

session: 23 Does Feminism contention holds?

J. Ann. Tickner in her write up discusses about feminist view point in the international relations. He goes on saying that  feminism claims that women, since centuries, have been undermined in every walk of life. the author contends that masculinity as per feminist point of view has defined the world politics and international relations. The theory of realism and the important matters of state, real-politck has always been in men's domain. however, his main contention is that It shouldn't be the case. Women representation in politics, economy, education and army should be equal to men if we were to make the peaceful world that we want. The world system now a days is not an ideal system as per the feminists. they claim that the world has been this way because only men define what must happen and not the women. The masculinity perspective derived from men is based on aggression, The idea of masculinity is actually defined by the states who needed strong people to defend themselves from  marauders and that idea is prevalent in present as well. So if we were to change the world? this perception of masculinity has to be ignored and femininity can be equated to masculinity in terms every walk of life. Tickner in his write up tries to say that femininity and masculinity is rather based on the perception of people than on the defined culture of the world that has been carried forward to contemporary world from the old ages.

When feminists talk about femininity and masculinity, they do not actually highlight biological differences but rather culturally defined characteristics associated with masculinity and femininity. With grief , feminist contends that even the legal restrains are not enough to promote gender equality as it goes even deeper. the awareness is also necessary to see the world with the feminist lens.

As perception of masculinity and femininity varies from culture to culture, the main contention that characteristics can be changed, holds.

I personally think that there should not be stereotyping and women should be given equal opportunities in every walk of life and women should not be discriminated considering there characteristics.



  1. J. Ann Tickner was a SHE! One of the few female authors in our course and yet, you imagine her to be a man as well. Patriarchy, indeed!

  2. well thats true. Its my fault though but i think there is more to be discussed on the blog rather than highlighting this. Thanks anyway.

  3. Mahnoor raised a very interesting point here. This is an amazing example of how gender inequality is constructed and embedded in our mind. Unconsciously we all are biased. In this regard I believe that to legally alleviate the role of women is not enough. It is a slow and long process.
