Monday, April 20, 2015

Session 21 - Why not change the norm for females?

J.Ann Ticker in her essay titled "Gendering world politics" talks about how many significant problems women face in their battle to take more prominent positions in the study of international relations. She talks about how women are seen as emotionally weak and not capable of taking stong decisions. She also gives examples women such as Jeane Kirkpatrick who although rose to high position in the sphere of international relations (she become ambassador to the united nations), but yet even in such a powerful position she complained about how the men did not take her advice seriously thus leaving her more like a puppet with no actual say in the foreign policy.

My view in this matter is that we know that women have been oppressed are many of their views are not taken seriously by men. But this does not mean to start violent protests about how women are not taken seriously or to write essays as to the different theories such as by social feminists as to why women are not taken. But instead why not change the norm?

Last week we read in "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change" how norms emerge from norm entrepreneurs, slowly spread to a bunch of people, continue to spread to the country and then slowly to become an international norm. So why not change the norm with regards to women? There are men who support women taking on stronger and more influential roles so that means this norm has also started to spread. Now it is up to the women to spread the norm by continuing to struggle against male dominated views and ideologies and take up more powerful posts. It will be a struggle but nothing is impossible. Who would have thought ten years ago that the united states could have a black president?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Aahsan that we can change the norms for women. Nothing is impossible, the path will be a difficult one but not something which is not achievable. One of the problems with women is that they accept the roles they have been given by our society, you need to sometimes go against the society and the usual and fight for your rights.
