The most important thing I have noticed in this class of IR is that we can now see the world with different perspective. after reading the piece of bureaucratic model, structures, realist approaches to the world and human nature, we can now evaluate things much better in a more critical manner. The most favorite of all readings was the piece of bureaucratic model. In true sense we come to know that no matter what powerful a person can be in his domain, there are always factors that can influence your decision . these factors through their power to dictate terms, mould the decisions which otherwise one would have taken without taking care of. This shows that it should not be very right to criticize any government, institution or any person on taking a particular action over a certain situation. We now realize the power of structures, power of status, power of corporations, power of people with contacts. realization of trust in everyday life is essential. These things also have power inn them. Micheal Foucault defines power in a similar way different from a generic definition. He says power lies in discipline, discourse and status. this theory totally astonished me and it was worth reading. Another piece related to the world warII was very good. the most interesting thing in that was rationale of aggression. this as per theory meant that states went for aggression due to the emergence of large military such that the competitive advantage of maintaining such large armies was to attack the other state. Otherwise due to technology, maintaining large armies for defense wasn't feasible at all. This was new perspective to the world war.
Three points.
ReplyDeleteFirst I really like the you highlighted the various topics that we discussed in class. I really appreciate that you brought in outside knowledge - i.e. Foucault and his discussion on power - and related it to what we've been learning in class. So good job on this.
But I am a bit concerned that you did not proofread your piece. Remember you need to keep formal language in your posts, so please proofread in the future.
Finally, even though this was meant to be a reflective piece, you should still aim to structure it. Structuring your thoughts makes it easier for your reader to follow your logic.
I understand that this was written during midterm week, but do try and put forth you full effort in the future. Also, you accidentally put "WWII" instead of "WWI" in your piece.