Green politics is usually said to include the green anarchism, eco-anarchism, anti-nuclear and peace movements although these often claim not to be aligned with any party.Its objective to create an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, non-violence, social justice, and grassroots democracy (WALL 2010).
The environmental crisis is the most serious crisis we have ever faced. It cannot be approached without a comprehensive understanding that is interdisciplinary. The environmental crisis, as the many scholars points out, is not a technical problem but involves our culture and character structures. The old political ideologies and left-right distinctions are no longer useful. Thus the need for a trans evaluation and new ecocentrically based transformative theories and practices.Some claim it also includes feminism and the animal rights movements.As a Pakistani, we need to revise our comprehensive understanding of political theory and worldview.Environmental issues in Pakistan have been disturbing the balance between economic development and environmental protection.Little attention was paid to these issues however Pakistani media playing his role to empower women, especially mother.
Since I didn't know much about the green political theory, your article was very informative and I found the theory to be interesting.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I agree that the environmental crisis is a shared problem, however, it hasn't received much attention in our part of the world. This could be because of other pressing problems such as rising polio rates, ever increasing terrorists attacks and the electricity shortage. Although I agree that such issues do not discount the importance of the environment problem, however, our government tends to focus on short run as the accomplishment of those help them gain support. And the masses tend to fixate on problems which affect them directly and immediately. Therefore, since the consequences of environmental degradation are likely to materialize at a later period, people and governments like ours tend to foolishly ignore these issues.
Environmentalism is an important and under studied issue that deserves urgent attention.