Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Session 7: Who is currently and possibly usurping the national interest of The World Power?

In section 2 of "Great Debate", Hans Morgenthau identified three kinds of interests that influence or usurp the national interest of a particular country: sub-national, other-national and supranational interests. The one that caught my attention is the national interest being usurped by other-national interests. Morgenthau has clearly mentioned on page 674 that this case is not only important for the political theory but "also for its practice, especially in the United States." The possible usurpation by other-national interests is when national and ideological minorities or ethnic groups in a particular country are under the direction of of the agents of a foreign government or may identify themselves with the interests of that foreign government and promote these interests under the guise of the national interest of a particular country where they are residing and are happen to be its citizens. Furthermore, Morgenthau  points out that there are such ethnic groups that are present in the United States and he even acknowledges the fact that the "...issue of the national interest vs. other-national interests masquerading as the national interest has arisen constantly in the United States in a less clear-cut fashion." (Morgenthau 674). But he only gives examples of the past, like the activities of the German-American Bund in the thirties and the interests of Communists etc. My question is that are there any current ethnic groups who are usurping the national interest of the United States? If so then who are they? Possibly the Jews. 

Everyone knows that during the period of WW2, Jewish families in Europe migrated to America in numbers and with the passage of time, they have secured dominant positions in every sector of the American society. Does Jewish lobby really exist? Why US and Israel are the closest of friends and allies? Why does US consider Israel as her darling? How can Israel afford to invent highly technological and advanced nuclear weapons? The US government wishes to interfere and send an army to those countries that are indulged in political crises, are under the influence of extremists and where people are targeted by their own country-head. Why did US send its army to Iraq? American answer would be that Saddam Hussain was killing his own people and blah blah blah. Why Afghanistan? American answer: the presence of Taliban. Why did US consider sending its army to Syria or arm Syrian rebels? American answer would be that Assad is misusing his presidential powers and killing his own people by nuclear weapons. Why did Libya, especially Tripoli, had airstrikes from the US? Gen Ghadafi was killing the supporters of opposition leaders and revolutionaries and blah blah blah. Why didn't the US interfere when Israeli forces were bombarding Gaza and killing over 1000 children? Although the US appointed John Kerry to hold peace talks between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Mahmoud Abbas, was it significant or enough to stop the bombardments? Why didn't the US send its army to Gaza to protect Palestinians if it believes in protecting mankind from the tyrannies and oppression in other countries, especially in Middle East? All America did is to invite Israeli ambassador to the US to CNN's talk shows and ask him some hardcore questions or simply have a lengthy interview from Prime Minister Netenyahu just to show the world that the US condemns the attacks on Gaza and it is doing something to help the people of Gaza.

Can't all these world scenarios drive us to the conclusion that most of foreign policies of the United States are designed in a way to promote the interests of the Israelis and Jews? Hence, can't we reach the conclusion that the ethnic group who is behind in forming the US foreign policies and is usurping the national interest of the US is the Jewish community or shall I say the Jewish lobby that is present in the US?

By suggesting the possible usurpation by other-national interests and highly stressing its role in the US, Morgenthau does provide us with a proof that yes there are forces, there are ethnic groups so strong that they can easily usurp the national interest of The World Power, and what we have experienced so far from the worldly affairs, we can conclude that all Jews related conspiracies might turn out to be true. The Jews are usurping the foreign policy and national interest of the United States of America.


Morgenthau, Hans. Another Great Debate. The National Interest of the United States. The American Political Science Review. 1952: 961-988


  1. Taha interesting post, but multiple points need clarification.

    First and foremost, don't conflate "Jews" with the Israel Lobby. Yes there are many Jews who support Israel and its policies, but there are also many Jews who oppose bad policies carried out by the Israeli state. It would better to use the term "Zionist" to describe supporters of Israel in the U.S. Of course, Zionists do have a significant impact on U.S. foreign policy. In fact, two of the most prominent realists today - John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt - wrote a book on this very topic called "The Israel Lobby."

    Next, remember the stated aims of the U.S. and its actual aims are often times different. The U.S. claimed that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and so they invaded Iraq. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan not to take out the Taliban per se - although that is their current goal now - but to eliminate Al Qaeda. The U.S. threatened Syria not because it used "nuclear" weapons against its own people, but because it used chemical weapons.

    Keep conceptual clarity, because you don't want to conflate Jews with Israel. Jews also aren't an ethnic group, although some claim that they are. It's better to dissociate Jews from the actions of Israel because the two aren't the same thing, just as all Muslims aren't responsible for the actions for extremists who claim to adhere to Islam.

  2. Thank you sir for these clarifications, especially for distinguishing between Jews and Israel. I will try maintaining the conceptual clarity in the future

    1. Great! I'm just about to read your latest piece. Also good job engaging with this stuff - I'm enjoying your insights!

  3. Sir I meant to say that basically the influence of Zionists on the US government is so much that the they wouldn't allow the US government in taking any action or decision that would be harmful for Israel. And I wouldn't be surprised if some Congress members are Zionists.

    1. Yes there are Zionist members of Congress and yes Zionists influence US policy.
