Monday, March 2, 2015

Session 10: Distribution of power and order

The most striking point that Helen Milner has described is the connection of anarchy with the idea of "war of all against all." If one thinks of in these terms, one concludes that war will be inevitable in any time between any states. However, this is not the case to be. Milner argues that when one looks at anarchy as the non-existence of central authority does not imply that the state actions will be unregulated and will not be patterned and ordered. This is a strong point to make in that Milner sees the anarchic system of international relations as one that has order such that states do conform to the common norms and values guided by certain institutions.

In this regard, Milner argues that balance of power provides the international system with order in two ways. She first describes the recurrent formation of alliances between states to ensure their security as one that states are bound to make in the anarchic system of international relations. This means that even though there is lack of sovereign that guides the actions of the states in proper manner i.e. they must cooperate, states themselves form relations with each other to ensure the protection of their territories. Thus, balancing of power leads to prevention of war. It also assumes that multi-polar international system exists, where there are three or four centers of power.

Secondly, Milner talks about the distribution of power capacities between states in the anarchic system. Here, the assumption stands that some states have more power over other states, and thus weaker states form alliances with the stronger states that share common interests with them. Hence, the order is maintained between states. By invoking Tucker in her analysis, she argues that states share power with inequality and this unequalness leads to prevention of war and provision of patterned behavior for the states.


  1. even if there is no bipolar system, there cannot be such anarchic system as we percieve because states conform to norms and may not be in confrontation with each other because they know that there will be certain consequences associated with the action. in bipolar system, small countries join aliances with great powers and can still be fighting wars with each otrher. just like pak- india siding with two world powers.

    1. Considering your point that if there is no bipolar system, there would be no anarchy in International arena, I want to say that what if a state of normal military potential initiate an offence against a relatively weaker country, then who will be there to ensure its safety. Stronger powers besides defending their own interests, also safeguard their allied weaker countries from other countries and if there would be no stronger powers, there would be war.

  2. America's distribution of power (nuclear) with Britain and France after WW II to form a defending block in Europe to deter Communism from expanding can be a good example of your second point in which Milner argues that stronger states (America) share power unequally with weaker states (UK and France) for common purposes.

  3. States do form alliances as a part of balancing. Anarchy, the balance of power, integration - all of these concepts are important when understanding IR.

    Also, Zaid excellent comment
