Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Session 11 - True meaning of Balance of Power?

Ernest Hass in his article “Balance Of Power: Prescription, Concept or Propaganda?” has tried to show the readers, the vast extent of meanings and description which the phrase “balance of power” covers. Ernest Hass quotes a variety of authors, statesman and political figures over their specific usage of this phrase.

One of the meaning of balance of power is the power distribution between different states. In this usage, there is no actual balance/equality of power between different countries but is used to describe if one country is gaining over the other country, in other words, there being a shift in power. So for example, Nawaz Sharif saying that the balance of power is shifting in favor of India, would mean that India is getting stronger, militarily, economically or in some other way.

Another usage of the phrase is to describe perfect equilibrium where two or more states hold exactly the same amount of power. To me, this seems more theoretical than practical. No two states yield the same amount of power. In sharp contrast to this description, a state’s search for hegemony is also regarded by the author as an alternative meaning of the phrase “balance of power.” No country would want to be equal to the other in terms of power, always a little superior so that it has the upper hand.

Balance of power has also been used to mean “peace” and “war” by different people. To some, times of peace are those where there is balance of power between states. For others, it is period of war that represents balance of power and in times of peace, issues are solved according to their merits.

Power Politics has also been equated to balance of power. Here power politics means a struggle for power and is closer to the description of a country’s search for hegemony. However in this scenario, seeking hegemony may not be the ultimate aim and a search for marginally greater power over the other country may be the end goal.

Through different examples, the author gives us new perspectives on thinking about the balance of power.


  1. I agree with you. His essay shows us how because the statement 'balance of power' can mean 8 different things, people can manipulate it to say something else while meaning something else if they want to. His essay really made us think.

  2. Good post and I agree that he provides us with a myriad of definitions to help understand what the balance of power actually is.
