Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Session 3: In pursuit of Theories

Hoffman criticized many of the existing trends in the field of international relations in process of formulating theories, like the system theory which does not work on any conceptual framework. Hoffman writes that international relations, like other social relations, involve not mere impersonal forces, but men. It is through men's values and institutions, through the thoughts and acts of their leaders, that the basic factors of the material environment affect international relation. Pure science is a myth. World politics changes with time, one dominating factor and then power bend to the opposite pole and when that happens, more social scientists will emerge with their new theories and explanations. Things which have had happened in the past were best fitted to describe those events and modern day theorists are now putting their efforts to find flaws in those theories which are insufficient to describe new world events.
My point here being the one that things happened in the past is supposed to be that way and were an essential part for the development of field of international relations. However, from an optimistic perspective, this criticizing of course, helps the field to grow. People will find more theories. So, the best way would not be to describe these theories as flawed but incomplete which leaves room for further development in the field.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea that these theories are indeed flawed but can help the field progress. As we will see in this course, many theorists built off of the classical realist perspective. So while the base theory may no longer suffice, theories built off of it help us better understand how international relations work both in theory and in practice.
