Monday, March 2, 2015

Session 10- Anarchy

The reading talks about the emphasis put on anarchy in the study of international relations and its implications. The dichotomy that arises between international and domestic politics because of this assumption is questioned upon and so is its validity. The different definitions and concepts of anarchy and terms pertaining to it are also talked about. In the end a fruitful framework which would aid in the study of international relations is suggested which combines anarchy and interdependence. The author does a very good job when talking about the different concepts pertaining to states and politics given by political theorists thereby enabling the reader to have a better understanding of the different viewpoints pertaining to the subject. I also agree with the author’s view that putting a lot of emphasis and studying international relations based solely on anarchy is very reductionist in nature and presents us with a pessimistic way in which the field is studied. That is why I also think that the author is a kind of idealist who along with pointing out the drawbacks of the current way of studying the field also gives us a framework which includes and talks of interdependence along with anarchy.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that her dual framework of incorporating interdependence with anarchy is valuable.

    Hamza, can you please come talk to me about this post?
