Monday, March 2, 2015

session 10 "nature of anarchic system"

Helen miller in the reading "assumption of anarchy in international relation basically provides us the knowledge of how international political system operates. As do the neo- realist and realists theorist talk about anarchy in the international system, the justification and assumption they consider for anarchy in the international system is lack of order and lack of sovereign to control the international system. They then continue to explain the behavior of the states as per the anarchic structure of the international system. However in my view, the behavior of the states in international system does not always reflect the situation in prisoners dilemma or anarchy. The behavior of states in the international system depends on norms, discipline and the focus of states on consequences of a states action.

Helen through quoting different theorist points out that domestic system cannot be compared with the international system. In domestic system there is central authority which exerts force and implements justice to maintain order. whereas in international system there is no central authority. The only players are the states and there is no highest authority which can regulate the system. In such conditions of anarchy, order can be however be maintained in international system through alliances and relationships between the states.

How can we make a system more peaceful without wars? Some say bipolar system can hinder states from going to war because alliances with the two great  powers  will create a balance of power and no one power would override the other considering the fact that the other can inflict similar attack.

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1 comment:

  1. Okay post, but while you hint at Milner's contribution of interdependence, you don't really explore how it - alongside anarchy - helps us understand the international system.
